Bonds Courier

Table of Contents


  • Bonds Courier allows you to ship domestically in Australia and use all of Starshipit's features including generation of packing slips and shipping labels, auto-correction of addresses, branded tracking and notifications, and many more.

What you need to get started

To integrate Bonds Courier, you will need the following:

  • Account number: Provided by Bonds Courier.
  • Authorisation code: Obtain this from Bonds Courier.
  • Branch code: Specific to your location and account.

How to set up Bonds

To enable Bonds on your Starshipit account:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Couriers > Add New Courier > Bonds Courier.
  2. Select Enable Bonds Couriers.
  3. Enter in your Account, Authorisation Code and Branch Code
  4. Click Save.

You will then need to set up your product codes. To add a product code:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Couriers > Add New Courier > Bonds.
  2. From the product codes section select a product from the drop down 
  3. Click Add.

Available products

Product Number Product Description
1 Small Parcels/Boxes
2 Station Wagon
3 Small Van to 250 kg
4 1 Tonne Van
5 Small Tray to 500 kg
6 1 Tonne Open Tray
7 2 Tonne Van
8 2 Tonne Open-Tray
9 4 Tonne Tautliner
10 3 Pallet Van
11 4 Tonne Open Tray
12 6 Tonne Tautliner
13 6 Tonne Open Tray
14 8 Tonne Tautliner
15 8 Tonne Open Tray
16 12 Tonne Tautliner
17 12 Tonne Open Tray
18 14 tonne Tautliner
19 14 tonne Open Tray
20 Semi Trailer

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