

  • Use tags to add custom labels to your orders, making it easier to identify important details about different orders at a glance in the orders grid.
  • Tags help you streamline your fulfilment process by easily communicating instructions to your fulfilment team.

Table of Contents

Supported functionality 

We’ve packed in a lot of functionality with tags. You can: 

  • Maintain a list of regularly used tags 
  • View tags in the new, printed and shipped orders grid 
  • Filter by tags 
  • Automate adding tags using the rules engine
  • Shopify only: Import tags from your eCommerce platform
  • Shopify only: Perform actions based on the tags imported from Shopify

Use cases

Some common use cases for tags are: 

  • Preorder tags: Tag all your orders that are a preorder so that they aren't accidentally dispatched by your team
  • VIP: Tag orders that are over a certain value threshold so that you can treat them as a VIP order. 
  • Dispatch Dates: Tag orders with a date that you want the order to be dispatched if the time the order is dispatched is important to your delivery model. 
  • Can't fulfil: If you are shipping from multiple locations, tag an order when you can't fulfil it and send it to another account
  • Fraud: If you have some locations or order values that you would like to double check, add a tag to these orders so you can see them quickly. 
  • Sale: If you had a promotion or sale, you may want to tag all orders from that sale so you can distinguish them from your other orders. 
  • Local: Tag orders that are close to your warehouse, you may want to send them with a local courier or deliver them yourself! 

What you need

Before getting started, you will need to enable the tags column on the orders grid.

  1. On the New orders tab, click the settings cog in the top right.
  2. Tick Tags >  Apply.

Your tags will now display in the order grid on the right-hand side.

Setting up tags

There's many different ways you can use tags with Starshipit.

Tag List
Have tags you use all the time? Configure them ahead of time so your team has a predefined list to select from. You can find this from Settings > Tags
On this page, you will be able to add, delete and edit tags that are saved in your account.
Classic UI UI 2.0
Assign tags
You can assign tags to orders as and when you need them.
When you open the order, below the Items section, you will see a section for tags where you can add or remove any tags.
You can also automate the addition of tags using our rules engine. Look for the new rule action Assign Tags. For more information on rules, see our guide here. 
Shopify Enhanced users will find that Shopify tags automatically import when on a Starter Plus plan, and when the below setting is enabled in the Advanced tab of the Shopify settings page.
Shopify users can also use the new rule condition Tags to apply actions when certain tags are detected on import. Below is an example of configuring your account to only import orders when a certain tag is detected. 

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