WooCommerce - Importing HS Code & Country of Manufacture


  • Learn how to import HS Code and Country of Manufacture from WooCommerce

1. Create new Product Attribute for HS Code

To import HS Code and Country of Manufacture from WooCommerce, you first need to create product attributes from your WooCommerce backend.

    1. Go to Products, then select Attributes.


    2. Fill in the Name field with hs_code, then click Add attribute.


    3. You will be redirected back to the Attributes page and hs_code should be available for editing. Click on hs_code from the grid.


    4. Fill in the Name field with your custom HS Code, then select Add new hs_code.



2. Assign HS Code Product Attribute to a Product

    1. Go to Products, then select All Products.
    2. Select a product that you would like to add the HS Code for.
    3. Under Product data section, select Attributes.
    4. Select Custom product attribute dropdown list and set it to hs_code then click Add.


    5. Click on Select terms and assign the hs_code value.


    6. Untick Visible on the product page then click on Save attributes.


3. Create new Product Attribute for Country of Manufacture/Country of Origin

    1. Go to Products, then select Attributes.


    2. Fill in the Name field with country_of_manufacture or country_of_origin, then click Add attribute.


    3. You will be redirected back to the Attributes page and country_of_manufacture or country_of_origin should be available for editing. Click on country_of_manufacture or country_of_origin from the grid.


    4. Fill in the Name field with your custom Country of Manufacture/Country of Origin, then select Add new country_of_manufacture or Add new country_of_origin.



4. Assign Country of Manufacture Product Attribute to a Product

    1. Go to Products, then select All Products.
    2. Select a product that you would like to add the Country of Manufacture for.
    3. Under Product data section, select Attributes.
    4. Select Custom product attribute dropdown list and set it to country_of_manufacture or country_of_origin then click Add.


    5. Click on Select terms and assign the country_of_manufacture or the country_of_origin value.


    6. Untick Visible on the product page then click on Save attributes.

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