- Find out about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), what it is, if it applies to you, and how to find out if you're compliant.
What is the GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection law that replaces existing European privacy laws and strengthens the protection of personal data. The GDPR is enforceable in each EU member state and gives individuals more control over their personal data.
The aim of the GDPR is to protect all EU citizens from privacy and data breaches in an increasingly data-driven world that is vastly different from the time in which the 1995 directive was established.
Although the key principles of data privacy still hold true to the previous directive, many changes have been proposed to the regulatory policies. The key points of the GDPR, as well as information on the impacts it will have on business, can be found here.
Does the GDPR apply to me?
The GDPR applies to organisations that process the personal data of EU individuals. So, even if you aren't a company based in the EU, if you sell to customers in the EU, this applies to you.
What is "personal data"?
Personal data is any information related to a natural person (individual) that can be used to directly or indirectly identify the person. It can be anything from a name or photo to an email address.
When did it go into effect?
The GDPR came into effect on May 25th, 2018.
What is Starshipit doing?
Starshipit was compliant with many aspects of the GDPR before it went into effect on May 25th, 2018.
Before the changes came into effect, we updated our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. If it's applicable to you and your customers, we added information on how to exercise rights around your data and how to control the use of your personal information through our services. Before you enter the Personal Data of European Union Data Subjects into our software to use our services, you are obliged to be in compliance with the GDPR and get the affirmative consent of your customers according to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
What do I do if my customer wants their data deleted?
If your customer wants their data deleted, please contact our support team here and we will delete all data at our end too.
What do I need to do to ensure I am GDPR-compliant?
For more information on the EU GDPR policies and how to ensure you are compliant, visit www.eugdpr.org.