Shopify: Manage pre-orders


  • This is useful if you have some orders that are pre-orders/on back order, and you wish to keep the status as unfulfilled or open.
  • Orders import into Starshipit based on the status that you set in the Shopify settings.

Set up

The following steps will guide you on how to prevent pre-orders from being imported into Shopify while maintaining their unfulfilled status. You can achieve this by adding one or more tags to the orders.

1. In Starshipit, set up the tags to be used to exclude orders

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations, > Shopify.
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. In the Exclude orders with these tags field, enter the tags that you will use on Shopify orders to stop them from importing. In this example, we will use preorder.

2. Add a pre-order tag to the order in Shopify

  1. Open the order in Shopify.
  2. Navigate down to the Tags section.
  3. Add the preorder tag.
  4. Now when you run an import in Starshipit, the tagged order will not import.


You must tag the order itself, not the items in the order.

3. Removing the pre-order tag for when you want to import

  1. Open the order in Shopify.
  2. Navigate down to the Tags section.
  3. Remove the preorder tag.
  4. When you run an import in Starshipit, the order will now import.


Be sure to run an import back to the date the order was placed. e.g. if the order was placed 20 days ago then you should run an import for 20-21 days.

 4. Removing multiple pre-order tags

  1. Open the Orders page in Shopify.
  2. Next to the search bar, select Filters > Select a Filter > Tagged with.
  3. Select the pre-order tag you used and click Add Filter.
  4. In the results, select the orders you'd like to remove the pre-order tags from and then select Actions > Remove Tags.
  5. Be sure to select the preorder tag to be removed from the list of existing tags.
  6. Click Apply changes.
  7. Your orders can now be imported.


Be sure to run an import back to the date the order was placed. e.g. if the order was placed 20 days ago then you should run an import for 20-21 days.

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