CSV file integration


  • If your eCommerce platform is not on the list of supported platforms you can extract your orders from a CSV file and import it into Starshipit.
  • Learn how to map your CVS file, so your orders can be imported into Starshipit.
  • You can use our default CSV file, or customise your own CSV file.

Set up your CSV import

CSV file requirements:

  • You must add one piece of data per column.
  • You must add one item per line (if there are two items in one order, add two lines with the same order number).
  • Each order number must be unique.

In Settings CSV File Setup you have the following import options:

  1. Use the Starshipit preformatted template
    Download the Starshipit CSV template containing default field mappings.
  2. Use the WIX CSV template
    If you are using Wix you can extract your orders from WIX and import them in Starshipit using CSV. To map your spreadsheet data to our column headers, you need to select rows from the 'Available Column' section and drag and drop them into the 'CSV File Columns' section. You can't delete the required columns in the right-hand side section however, you can reorder them to based on your business needs.


If your CSV file has additional columns, add a blank row in the order they appear so it doesn't break the import. Ensure you have valid addresses for all your orders.
  1. Map your own customised CSV
    You can use your own CSV and map the column in Starshipit. The mapping interface has two columns. The column on the left represents all available fields available, and the column on the right represents your CSV file.


You'll need to drag and drop the labels, so the label on top will be the first column of your CSV file. The second label will be the second column of your CSV file. Make sure that you save your changes.

Import using a CSV file

  1. In the Orders screen, click Import, then select Upload CSV File.
  2. Select a CSV file from your computer, then click Import CSV
  3. Click Close, when the import is complete.


What do all the columns represent, and are they required?

Please refer to the following table which has a list of all the columns in our template:

Field Name Required Impact
Order Number No When left empty, the system will generate an order number based on OurRef field in the settings.
Date No When left empty, the system will create the import date as the order date.
To Name Yes  
Destination Building No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order.
Destination Street Yes  
Destination Suburb Yes  
Destination City No When left empty, the system will populate the city value using the suburb value during shipment creation (label print).
Destination Postcode Yes  
Destination State No When the state is mandatory (e.g. shipping to Australia); shipment creation will fail and an error is returned.
Destination Country Yes  
Destination Email No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order. For some carriers, this field is mandatory in which case an error occurs and SSI notifications will not be triggered if they are enabled.
Destination Phone No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order. For some carriers, this field is mandatory in which case an error occurs and SSI notifications will not be triggered if they are enabled.
Item Name No Item isn't mandatory for domestic shipments. However, it is mandatory for international shipments. Validation error will be returned during shipment creation/label print.
Item Price No When left empty, the item price will be set to $0, which will also be passed to the commercial invoice.
Instructions No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order.
Weight No Item is mandatory for international shipments; when left empty, the system will calculate the weight as 0.001 kg.
Shipping Method No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order.
Reference No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order.
SKU No Item isn't mandatory for domestic shipments. However, it is mandatory for international shipments. Validation error will be returned during shipment creation/label print.
Qty No When left empty; the quantity to ship will be set to 1.
Company No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order.
Signature Required No When left empty, this field is set to "No".
ATL No When left empty, this field is set to "No".
Country Code No When left empty, this field is set to the destination country code.
Package Height No When left empty, the height will be set to 1 cm.
Package Width No When left empty, the width will be set to 1 cm.
Package Length No When left empty, the length will be set to 1 cm.
Carrier No When left empty, the default carrier is assigned to the shipment.
Carrier Product Code No When left empty, the default carrier product is assigned to the shipment.
Carrier Product Unit Type No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order.
Declared Value Currency No When left empty, the default currency is applied, i.e., from the settings page.
Code No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order.
Color No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order.
Size No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order.
Contents No When left empty, contents are populated to the default package dimensions applied.
Dangerous Goods No When left empty, this field is set to "No".
Country of Manufacturer No When left empty, this field will remain empty in the order. Note: If it's an international shipment, for example, a carrier like DHL will return an error.
DDP No When left empty, this field is set to "No".

If there are multiple items in an order, what is the 'item name'?

Create a different line for each item with the same Order Number.

What units are expected in the weight field?

Kgs (Kilograms).

Can you please supply a valid list of values for the shipping method field?

You can add anything you want in the shipping method field. You can define which shipping method matches with which courier product code in Settings > Rules.

How do I specify multiple packages for the same order?

Create a different line for each package dimensions with the same Order Number.

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