Find Your Computer Name

Table of Contents


  • This article outlines how you can find your computer name on various operating systems.


  1. Click the Apple Menu, located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select System Preferences.
    The Apple Menu is open, System Preferences... is highlighted
  3. Click Sharing.
    The System Preferences panel is open, and the third row has sharing highlighted
  4. Computer Name should be located at the top of the Sharing window.
    In the Sharing panel, the name in the Computer Name field is circled

Windows 10/11

  1. Click the Start menustart.PNGx. After that, you have two options:
    • Use the search box.
      1. Type computer name in the search box.
      2. Select View your PC name in the results.
    • Use the Settings window.
      1. Click the Settingssettings_windows10.pngxbutton.
      2. Click the System category in the Settings window.
      3. Click About in the menu on the left
        • You may need to scroll down to find the About menu by hovering your mouse pointer over the visible menu options.
  2. Find your computer name to the right of the Device name row below Device Specifications

Windows 8

  1. Navigate to PC Info to find your computer name.
    • Use the Search charm.
      1. Move cursor to the right-hand corner of the screen to unhide charms bar (or press Windows key + C).
      2. Click Search.
      3. Type computer name.
      4. Click PC info.
    • Use the Settings charm.
      1. Move cursor to the right-hand corner of the screen to unhide charms bar (or press Windows key + C).
      2. Click Settings.
      3. Click PC info under Settings, or click Change PC settings, at the bottom right of the Settings charm menu.
  2. Find your computer name under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.

Windows 7

  1. Click the Start menu button.
  2. Right-click on Computer.
  3. Select Properties.
    Start Menu is open, and the Computer option has been right clicked. Properties, the last option on the right click menu, is highlighed
  4. Find your computer name listed under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.
    There are two sections on the page: System and Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings. The name next to Computer name is circled

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