Set up Table Rates


Set up table rates

Table rates for checkout and returns function the same. You can configure them based on Location and weight range.

Table Rates at checkout

You’re based in Sydney and you want to offer a cheaper rate to a customer based in NSW. It’s a large item and you still want the price to increase with weight. 

Location/Rate 0 to 5kg 5 to 10kg 10 to 20kg
New South Wales $5 $10 $15
Rest of Australia  $20 $25 $30
  • Navigate to Settings Checkout Rates > Courier Configuration > Table Rates
  • Product Code and Product Name fields are mandatory. Product Code is an internal reference value for use with rules in Starshipit, and Product Name will be displayed on checkout.
  • Under Shipping Rates:
    List the Weight|Price, e.g.:
    • 5|5
      Up to 5kg = $5.00
    • 10|10
      Over 5kg to 10kg = $10.00
    • 20|15
      Over 10kg to 20kg = $15

Table Rates for the Returns Portal

You want to charge customers for the price of shipping back a return. You offer both international and domestic returns however international shipments cost 50% more in shipping. 

Location/Rate 0 to 5kg 5 to 10kg 10 to 20kg
Australia $5 $10 $15
Rest of World $7.5 $15 $22.50

This feature is available as part of the Returns Portal

  • Navigate to Settings Returns > Return Charges
  • Return Option has three possible values, Store Credit, Payment Refund and Exchange Product. You can define different costs of returns based on which return type is chosen or use the same costs for all
  • Under Return Charges:
    List the Weight|Price, e.g.:
    • 5|5 > Up to 5kg = $5.00
    • 10|10> Over 5kg to 10kg = $10.00
    • 20|15 > Over 10kg to 20kg = $15

Table Rates Validation

Country Codes field:

  • can be empty (applies to all country codes)
  • or specific to a list of country codes: AU, NZ
  • or exclude a list of country codes: !CA

State Codes field:

  • can be empty (applies to all state codes)
  • or specific to a list of state codes: NSW, VIC
  • or exclude a list of state codes: !WA

Post Codes field:

  • can be empty (applies to all postcodes)
  • or specific to a list of postcodes:
    • 2000
    • 3000
  • or specific to a list of postcode ranges:
    • 2000-2999
    • 3000-3999
  • or exclude a list of postcodes:
    • !2000
    • !3000
  • or exclude a list of post ranges:
    • !2000-2999
    • !3000-3999

Shipping Rates field is mandatory.

  • Under Weight|Price, e.g.:
    • 5|6.50 > Up to 5kg = $6.50
    • 10|15.00 > Over 5kg to 10kg = $15.00
    • 20|22.00 > Over 10kg to 20kg = $22.00

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