Set up Additional Parties addresses for DHL Express


  • Set up Starshipit to use a different Additional Parties addresses when shipping to international destinations using DHL Express.

1. Set up your Additional Parties addresses

By default, Starshipit will use your pickup address from your Settings as the Sender, and Additional Parties addresses when generating DHL commercial invoices. If you need to use a different Additional Parties address when shipping to specific countries you can configure this in your Starshipit Settings. You can set the Additional Party type when setting up Additional Parties Addresses. The Additional Party types are Buyer, Seller, Importer and Exporter. 

  1. In Starshipit, navigate to Settings > Options.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional Parties Customs section.
  3. Click Add new.
  4. Select the Additional Party Type (Buyer, Seller, Importer or Exporter).
  5. Enter the address, including contact name, contact email, and phone.
  6. Select countries to apply the address to under the Countries to apply* dropdown.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 for as many addresses as are required.

* Countries to apply refers to destination countries.

2. Set up your Additional Parties tax numbers

You can also configure different tax numbers for your Additional Parties addresses such as VAT, EORI, GST, etc. Follow the steps below to configure tax numbers for your Additional Parties Address:

  1. In Starshipit, navigate to Settings > Options.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional Parties Customs section.
  3. Click Add new, or Edit if editing an existing Additional Parties address.
  4. Scroll down to the Tax Settings section.
  5. Click Add new.
  6. Enter a tax type, tax number, and select an applicable destination.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for as many tax numbers as are required.

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