How to set up Direct Freight

Table of Contents


  • Direct Freight's integration with Starshipit allows you to use all of Starshipit's features including generation of packing slips and shipping labels, auto-correction of addresses, branded tracking and notifications, and many more.
  • Direct Freight supports shipping domestically.
  • The Starshipit integration with Direct Freight supports 100x200mm labels.

Before you begin

Before getting started with Direct Freight you will need a few things:

  • Direct Freight Account Number
  • Direct Freight Site ID
  • Direct Freight Consignment, Pricing and Tracking API Key

If you're missing any of the above fields, see our guide on how to request this from Direct Freight. 

How to set up Direct Freight

To enable Direct Freight on your account:

  1. In Starshipit, navigate to Settings > Couriers > Add a new Courier > Direct Freight.
  2. Tick Enable Direct Freight.
  3. Enter your Direct Freight Account Number, Site ID, Consignment API key, Pricing API key, Tracking API key. Often the API keys are the same for Consignments, Pricing and Tracking. 
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Test to ensure it works to verify your credentials are correct.

Direct Freight Available Products


Direct Freight doesn't have different product codes/service codes. There is only one type of label they produce

To add a default product code for Direct Freight:

  1. Go to Settings > Couriers > Direct Freight Settings.
  2. Click Add a new product code.
  3. Enter Item as the Product Code.
  4. Enter any description as the Name.
  5. Click Add.

Direct Freight Additional Features 


Direct Freight rates will show as GST inclusive and include all surcharges provided by Direct Freight on the API.


You must manifest your shipments with Direct Freight. Direct Freight requires that all shipments created are manifested by 6:30pm. If you don't manifest by this time, they will automatically manifest the shipment on their side and they may charge a fee.


By default, no notifications will be sent to customers by Direct Freight when the shipment is booked in. If you would like to enable the courier notifications, you can do this by going to Settings > Couriers > Direct Freight Settings > Advanced tab >  Enable Email Notifications for Tracking

Cancel orders


Direct Freight requires that the order is Manifested so that it appears in their portal.

If you have printed an order and need to redo the order to print it with different details. First Manifest the order from the printed tab via one of the methods below then redo it from the shipped tab:

Classic UI: Select the order, then navigate to the actions drop down > Dispatch / Manifest.

UI 2.0: Tick the order and select Manifest Orders from the available options that appear.


If an order has been manifested or archived, you can cancel it by navigating to the Direct Freight settings page in Starshipit. Go to Settings > Couriers > Direct Freight > Tools > Enter the tracking number you would like to cancel. (Note: this must be done before 6:30 pm the day the consignment was created to avoid an admin fee).

You can also automatically cancel Direct Freight labels printed in Starshipit. To enable this, navigate to Settings > Couriers > Direct Freight Settings > Advanced > Enable Automatically Cancel Archived Orders > Save. When this setting is enabled, orders will be automatically cancelled when an order is redone or archived in Starshipit. 

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