How to set up Post Haste

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  • Starshipit is now integrated with Post Haste in New Zealand.
  • Post Haste (part of Freightways Group) are positioned in the wide and lucrative mid-market segment ensuring Freightways customers have an imperative market choice in terms of service levels and price point.
  • Post Haste offers domestic express parcel delivery across New Zealand for anything as small as letter sized documents to large packages and boxes.
  • Post Haste is available as a Domestic courier option when shipping from New Zealand.


Post Haste's system does not currently support creating return shipments.

Before you begin

To integrate with Post Haste you'll need to have the following:

  • Post Haste Account Number
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

If you don't have these credentials, please contact your Post Haste account manager or contact Post Haste via email or phone.

Set up Post Haste in Starshipit

To enable Post Haste as a courier in New Zealand:

  1. In Starshipit, navigate to Settings > Couriers > Add a new courier.
  2. Select New Zealand in the Shipping From dropdown.
  3. Click Post Haste from the list of couriers.
  4. Tick Enable Post Haste.
  5. Enter your Post Haste Account Number, Client ID and Client Secret.
  6. Click Save.

Once you've entered and saved these details click Test to ensure it works to confirm that your integration is correctly set up.

Available product codes

Post Haste via Starshipit can be set up with two different product code types:

Overnight Delivery

Overnight is the standard service offering for Post Haste. Typically all same island deliveries are overnight. It can be used anywhere in New Zealand as long as NZ Couriers offers pickups and deliveries in that area. 

Two Day Delivery

Two Day delivery is offered as an economy service for inter-island shipments. This means in Starshipit you will only see pricing for Two Day, if you have pricing loaded on your Post Haste account, and the shipment is inter-island (e.g. sending from Auckland to Christchurch)

Add your product codes

Finally, add the product codes you'd like to use for Post Haste:

  1. Click Add a new product code
  2. Enter the Code and Name for the product code
  3. If the product code should be your default, tick the Default checkbox
  4. Click Save.

Advanced settings

If required you can also update your Advanced Settings for Post Haste.

These advanced settings can be found in the Advanced tab:

  • Signature Required: Select this option to default 'Signature Required' on all orders.
  • Saturday Delivery: Select this option to default 'Saturday Delivery' on all orders.
  • Send Notifications: To automatically send notifications for every order, enable this option. When dispatching orders, ensure this checkbox is selected. The default state of this option is determined by your settings preference.
  • Notification Type: When send notifications is ticked, determine the type of notification that should be sent. Note that Freightways may incur additional charges for SMS notifications.


Can I set a specific product code based on whether the address is on the North/South island?

You can set up rules in Starshipit to assign a product code based on the postcode.

  1. In Starshipit, navigate to Settings > Rules > Click Add a new rule.
  2. Set the Condition(s) as Destination Post Code - NZ.
  3. Set the operator as Between.
  4. Input 0000 in the From field and 6999 in the To field. This represents the North Island.
  5. Set the Action as Set Courier & Product Code.
  6. Under Value, select Post Haste and a product code.
  7. Click Save to create the rule. 
  8. Repeat steps 2-7 but replace step 4 with the one below to cover the South Island:
    • Input 7000 in the From field and 9999 in the To field. This represents the South Island.

Why can't I see the OVERNIGHT text on the right-hand side of my labels?

If you want the overnight text to appear on your labels for same-island deliveries, ensure your label size is set to 100x174mm.

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