Deutsche Post’s integration with Starshipit allows you to use all of Starshipit's features including generation of packing slips and shipping labels, auto-correction of addresses, branded tracking and notifications and many more.
Before you begin
You need your:
- Account Number (EKP)
If you are missing your EKP number, please contact your Deutsche Post account manager to request it.
Deutsche Post needs to provide additional permissions for your account to be able to use Starshipit, so please ask us to contact them about this, passing us your EKP number.
Otherwise, you can contact Deutsche Post yourself, quoting your EKP number and asking them to add the permissions for Starshipit use with it.
Note: If you are using Global Mail you can now set up DHL Express Global Mail as a separate courier. Check out the set up instructions here.
Customs Forms Signature: When Deutsche Post set you up, you can upload to their portal a signature to be digitally applied to CN22/CN23 customs forms. This will be used by Deutsche Post (instead of the Starshipit digital signature that you can set up for use with other couriers). Download the form to sign and upload.
Setting up your Deutsche Post in Starshipit
1. Enter your account details in Starshipit
Tip: Click Test to ensure it works to check if your credentials are working correctly.
2. Set up your product codes
Add your product codes to complete the integration. The selected option determines both the product code and service level that you require. The available product codes are:
- GMPP: Packet Priority (Priority Service)
- GPT: Packet Tracked (Priority Service)
- Go to Settings, then select Couriers.
- Open your Deutsche Post Settings.
- Click on Add New Product Code.
- Enter the code and name.
- Click Add.
- Repeat steps 4-5 for each product code.
Once you have added products, you can set which product is to be used as the default for this carrier.
Note: Deutsche Post doesn't pass rates into Starshipit, so they are not displayed in the New Order page. You can set up table rates for Deutsche Post though, where you record the rates that the courier charges you, and these are then available via the Starshipit API.
3. Adjust your Air Waybill settings
Deutsche Post International operates by having individually labelled parcels grouped together into a bulk shipment sent from the originating (sender) EU country to Germany (or possibly Austria). This bulk shipment has an Air Waybill (AWB) attached. Once the bulk shipment has reached there, it is broken up into shipments to the final destinations.
Depending upon how Deutsche Post are handling your shipments, you can receive different types of AWB - these are output at manifesting time.
In the Advanced tab of the Deutsche Post settings, adjust your AWB cropping option, as appropriate.
Initially, it's best to leave the cropping option as None, and then when you've seen the type of AWBs produced, just change the setting to crop the AWB, or if you are happy with the AWB coming out as A4, you can just leave it with the cropping set to None.
Other relevant information for you:
- To read more about Deutsche Post API and AirWayBill (AWB), click here