Book a courier pickup


You can book a courier pickup from within Starshipit for the following couriers:

  • DHL Express
  • Couriers Please
    Couriers Please will book a courier pickup on manifest unless you specifically request them not to. You can also book a pickup through Starshipit.
  • TNT
  • Startrack
  • Border Express
  • UPS
    Please ensure you are using the 'New UPS' integration. Booking pickups is not supported on the Legacy UPS API. 
  • Aramex
    When booking a pickup with Aramex, you do not need to set your pickup address. The address set in your Aramex account is set as the pickup address. The pickup will be booked for the next available time with Aramex. 
  • MyPost Business
    You cannot book pickups for MyPost Business through the Order Pickup Form in Starshipit. Pickups for MyPost Business are booked automatically on bulk print provided you have Settings > Couriers > MyPost Business > Book pickups on bulk label print enabled. For more information on this, read this article.


Please make sure you have the following information before booking the pickup.

  • Number of packages
  • Total weight of packages (kg)
  • Items (this is required for some couriers)

Book a pickup with Classic UI:

  1. Go to the New orders screen.
  2. Click Actions > Order Pickup (in the top right).
  3. Select the carrier you would like to book the pickup for.
  4. Fill in the pickup date, time and pickup details.
  5. Click Order.

Book a pickup with UI 2.0:

  1. Go to the Printed or Shipped tab.
  2. Select the order, then select Book pickup.
  3. Fill in the pickup date, time and other pickup details

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