Cin7 Core (Dear) Integration


  • The steps below will guide you through integrating your Cin7 Core platform to Starshipit.  Once completed, your orders will be imported into Starshipit and the tracking information will be written back when you print a label.
  • Cin7 Core has also released an integration with Starshipit, this integration will allow you to print labels from the Cin7 Core platform. For information on that, see their support guide.  

Table of Contents

What you need to get started

Before getting started with Cin7 Core you will need a few things. 

  • Your Cin7 Core Account Id
  • Your Cin7 Core API Key

If you do not have the above fields, follow the below steps:

  1. Log into Cin7 Core.
  2. Go to Integration > DEAR API.

  3. Create a new API application.
  4. Save the new API application and note down the Account ID and the Key.

How to set up Cin7 Core

To enable Cin7 Core on your account:

  1. Go to Starshipit > Settings > Integrations > Add a new integration > DEAR
  2. Tick the Enable DEAR option.
  3. Recommended: Select Version 2 for the API version. 
  4. Enter in the Account ID and Key from Cin7 Core.
  5. Click Save.


Starshipit will update your orders with carrier and tracking information when shipped. By default, Starshipit will use "DEFAULT Carrier" when updating your orders in Cin7 Core.

If you wish to have your Cin7 Core orders updated with the specific carrier name then you will need to set up Carrier Mappings in Starshipit. 

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > DEAR > Courier Mappings.
  2. Click Add a new mapping.
  3. From the courier drop-down, select one of your enabled couriers
  4. In the courier name to use textbox, enter in the courier name you have defined in Cin7 Core
  5. When done, click the tick icon.

When writeback is attempted for the courier specified, we will send back the courier name you have defined in this field

Additional Configuration

Status to import
Use this option to specify what status orders should be in to import into Starshipit. You can specify multiple by separating each status with a semi-colon. For example: Ordering;Picked
Advanced Sales
If you are using Cin7 Core Advanced Sales - Multiple Fulfillments you can configure your Starshipit integration to import each fulfilment and a single order, instead of importing the overall sales orders.

To do this, you will need to be on DEAR Version 2 and select "Import Sale Fulfillments instead of Sales". This means you will have multiple Starshipit orders for the one order in Cin7 Core allowing you to ship them separately with ease. 
Import Memo/Order Notes
By default, Starshipit does not import memos from Cin7 Core. If you would like these to import into the delivery instructions field, select the option you would like from the memo drop-down. Alternatively, you can import the order notes by selecting Import order note into delivery instructions
API Limits
Cin7 Core has an API limit of 60 calls per 60 seconds. This can occasionally mean that the writeback to Cin7 Core will fail, or that the import will fail. These both will retry again should they fail. 
Use contact field as company name
By default, Starshipit will use Customer as the contact name, however, you can use this option to use the sale.ShippingAddress.Contact field for the Starshipit receiver address company field instead.

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