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How to set up CouriersPlease account


CouriersPlease's integration with Starshipit allows you to use all of Starshipit's features including generation of packing slips and shipping labels, auto-correction of addresses, branded tracking and notifications and many more.

Table of Contents

Before you begin

To integrate CouriersPlease with your Starshipit account, you need to have an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) account. If you don't have one, simply contact your CouriersPlease account manager.

To complete the setup steps, you will need:

  • CouriersPlease account number (9 digits)
  • Dispatch ID
  • Product codes associated with your CouriersPlease account.
  • API Key (optional - used for booking pickups and creating returns. Without one, a pickup is booked on manifest)

If you are missing any of these values, please contact your CouriersPlease account manager or contact Starshipit support.

Setting up your CouriersPlease account in Starshipit

1. Enter your CouriersPlease information

  1. Navigate to Settings > Couriers > Add New CourierCouriersPlease.
  2. Tick Enable CouriersPlease.
  3. Complete the account number and dispatch ID fields.
  4. Set the increment value to 1.
    If you have used CouriersPlease with Starshipit in the past, we recommend you set this value to 1,000,000 or above to ensure there is no overlap with past orders.
  5. Click Save.

2. Enter your product codes

CouriersPlease will provide different product codes based on your requirements and account eligibility. Product codes for shipments need to be populated similar to the following, and these products will then be available throughout Starshipit.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Couriers > CouriersPlease.
  2. Click on Add Product Codes.
  3. Enter the Code and Name.
  4. Click Save.

3. Enabling Returns (optional)

  1. Ensure you have added an API key to your settings.
  2. Enter in the Return Product Codes in Settings > Couriers > CouriersPlease > Add return product codes.


Why are the rates displayed in Starshipit incorrect?

Rates are retrieved, based on the product codes. Check with CouriersPlease that the product codes you are using are correct.

How can I add Fuel Surcharges to my Couriers Please rates?

CouriersPlease only applies a Standard fuel levy to Road Express if they are not “Local” (i.e. passed onto an agent to deliver instead of CouriersPlease delivering) – currently set at 28.6%.

Starshipit does not require an API key to see this included in the freight breakdown.

Standard fuel levy is not applied to Satchels (Items).

Extra Ordinary Fuel Surcharge (10%) is not included on the CouriersPlease API.

Why are duplicate tracking numbers being generated for different orders?

This is likely due to an overlap in your current consignment increment value.

Navigate to Settings > Couriers > CouriersPlease Settings > Set the Current Consignment Increment to a value much higher than the one set currently e.g. 1,000,000.

Other relevant information for you

Learn more about ecommerce shipping services by CouriersPlease here.

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