How to set up TNT


  • TNT’s integration with Starshipit allows you to use all of Starshipit's features including generation of packing slips and shipping labels, booking a courier pickup, auto-correction of addresses, branded tracking and notifications and many more.
  • This article outlines how to set up your TNT account in Starshipit.

Setting up your TNT account in Starshipit

1. Request your account activation

Starshipit can contact TNT on your behalf to set up a TNT account. To do this, please send the following information to our support team:

  • Customer Account Number
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Address Line 1
  • Customer Address Line 2
  • Customer Suburb
  • Customer State
  • Customer Postcode
  • Customer Contact Name
  • Customer Phone Number
  • Customer Email
  • Services List

2. Enter your TNT details in Starshipit

When your TNT account has been created, you can enter your TNT details in Starshipit.

  1. Go to Settings > Couriers > Add New Courier > TNT.
  2. Tick Enable TNT.
  3. Enter your Account Number.
  4. Click Save.


3. Add your product codes

  1. Click on Add product code.
  2. Enter the product code and the product name.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Repeat these actions for all of the product codes.


3.1. TNT products codes and descriptions

Product Code Description
76 Road Express
75 Overnight Express
73 Overnight PAYU Satchel
712 9:00 Express
EX10 10:00 Express
EX12 12:00 Express
718 Fashion Express
701 Time Critical - Next Flight
717 Premium Express
717B Sensitive Express

4. Additional Configuration

The below settings can be found in the Advanced section of the TNT courier settings:

Extended Warranty

With TNT you can opt-in for an extended warranty. For more information on Extended Warranty and classes, refer to this guide from TNT.
To insure an order you can:

  • On an order-by-order basis:
    1. Open the order you would like to insure.
    2. Tick the Cover/Warranty Required tickbox.
    3. Enter a cover value on an order.
    4. Click Print.
  • Create a rule to automatically apply cover:
    1. Go to Settings > Rules > Create a new Rule.
    2. Select the condition (s) that apply.
    3. Set the action to Set Insurance Required value to True.

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